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Day 4, at the singles are still three Finns: Antinheimo, Kaukovalta and Vasa

By June 8, 2023No Comments

On Wednesday was played singles’ first round. Three Finns won their matches.

Iiro Vasa won quite easily nr five seeded Johannes Haertels from Germany, 6-4, 6-1.

Patrick Kaukovalta played almost three hours against Moerani Bouzige from Australia. Kaukovalta won with numbers 5-7, 7-5, 7-5.

Finns’ showdown won a little bit unexpectedly Oskar Antinheimo against Finland’s number three Aleksi Löfman.

On Thursday at the Singles’ second round will Vasa and Antinheimo play against each other. Patrick Kaukovalta’s opponent is Ben Jones from Great Britain.

On Thursday will be played Doubles’ quarter finals too. There are two Finnish pairs: Vesa Ahti/Aleksi Löfman and Patrick Kaukovalta/Iiro Vasa.


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